We decided to specialize in raising chickens because as consumers, we could not find the product locally. We were looking for:
A slower-growing breed of chicken
Certified organic
Raised outside in it's natural habitat & rotated regularly on pasture.
So this is what we are doing now...
Our Chicken

We raise a slower growing hybrid chickens (Nova Ranger). They grow more slowly compared to conventional breeds which means they are healthier chickens and produce a superior product. The meat is so flavourful (no more watery chicken breasts) and very nutrient packed.
Slower Growing Chickens
Our chickens diet consists of certified organic grain and diverse forage from pasture. They are moved regularly on pasture in their mobile chicken pens (pictured above). They live outside in their natural habitat, allowed to graze from dawn to dusk. It's a mutually beneficial relationship they forage for some of their own food and the land gets a solid dose of chicken manure (one of the best fertilizers). At dark, they naturally return to their pen and we close the door to ensure their safety from any predators.
Diet and ROTATING Free Range
We take pride in how we treat and raise our animals. With a low number of chickens, we are able to monitor them to ensure optimal health. We take chicken security very seriously and have invested in a layered protection system from predators... we have perimeter + mobile electric fencing, two protective farm dogs and we close their mobile chicken pen door in the evening & open it every morning.
Ethical + Humane Treatment
Natural Behaviour
The chicks get outside as soon as they are big enough (usually by 2-3 weeks of age). We make sure they are safe from the elements and ultimately just make sure they are being chickens! We love seeing their natural behaviour and instincts kick-in right away.